Our Environmental Impact

One Planet Living
Our purpose is to design, build and operate places where people can become the best version of themselves.
Key Stats
Future-Proofing Our Business
Net Zero Carbon
100% Renewable energy
Zero Waste to landfill
100% Loose bespoke furniture made locally
Zero Carbon

Intro blurb/ Why
3 goals
Achievements/ innovations/ Key stats
We have set an industry first target of achieving net zero carbon across the future development and operation of our properties. Read how we are doing it here:
Read about our roadmapCarbon Per Night
Carbon neutral stays at room2
room2 Southampton
room2 Hammersmith
room2 Chiswick
room2 Belfast
Zero Waste

To reduce consumption, reuse and recycle to achieve zero waste.
In-room recycling and food waste facilities
Zero waste to landfill
Local Wildlife
At Lamington Group, we recognise that real estate development has the potential
to impact biodiversity by using land that could otherwise be used for green space.
Additionally, we prioritise utilising brownfield sites for development.

Sustainable Water
Water is a finite resource, and the hospitality industry is a major contributor to its consumption. At Lamington Group, we are committed to conserving water wherever possible and are always mindful of our consumption.

Inspiring the Future
Team Planet
Guest Engagement